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Careers Takeover

Emily Muntz

Careers Takeover 2022

Episode 5: Emily Muntz


On March 9, 2022 David Lipington from the Student Services Team hosted a very special careers themed takeover in honour of National Careers Week 2022.


Throughout the day David and colleagues in the Student Services Team interviewed various professionals around the routes into their careers, and discussed what the realities of the day-to-day roles are, and the types of skills required to perform it effectively. Some of the themes of this day were around wider careers related issues such as those effecting students who have English as a second language, care leavers, issues faced by women in the workplace, and how to manage your mental health and well-being whilst going through that all important job application process.


Being unemployed and going through the job application process can feel lonely, repetitive, and full of anxiety. Good mental health and well-being is the key to finding good employment, but this can often end up feeling like a vicious cycle. Joining David Lipington to talk us through ways to manage these thoughts and feelings is Mental Health and Well-Being Co-Ordinator Emily Muntz.