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London Hat Week Podcast

Rachel Richardson

London Hat Week Podcast
Series 2 Episode 6: Rachel Richardson


Welcome to the new series of the London Hat Week Podcast. Georgina and Becky are back with an exciting new selection of guests, new branding and more!


London Hat Week is always keen to celebrate all aspects of the industry and Rachel is a great ambassador for millinery as well as using her millinery toolkit in an unusual way.


We first saw Rachel’s work back in 2009 when she won the Hat Designer of the Year award. Many of you may be familiar with her beautiful design sketches in the inspiration pages of The Hat Magazine. Rachel is multi-talented and hats are not the only outlet for her design ideas. We followed her work over time and Rachel was part of the panel on the first online talk that we hosted in collaboration with the British Hat Guild. We invited Rachel to teach a masterclass for us at the last London Hat Week, which was when we got to witness first hand her expertise with a sketch pad…


London Hat Week was founded in 2014 by British Hat Guild members Georgina Abbott of Atelier Millinery and Becky Weaver of HATalk to celebrate the craft of hatmaking. The majority of visitors to London Hat Week are independent designers running small businesses as makers and online retailers through their own websites and other channels such as Etsy.


We are proud of our manifesto of celebrating hats and celebrating London in the city that is home to some of the most talented milliners in the world, and this time we aim to include even more hat enthusiasts than ever before! London Hat Week hopes to lift everyone’s spirits a little and play our part in recovery from these very difficult times.



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