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LBGTQIA+ History Month 2022

Episode 6

LBGTQIA+ History Month 2022

Episode 6: Alex Perry


In celebration of LGBTQIA+ History Month 2022 Emmanuel Vass, Subject Leader for Music & the Creative Arts at Morley’s North Kensington Centre speaks to members of Morley’s staff about their experiences as LGBTQIA+ individuals. Coming from all walks of life, and exploring the wide spectrum of experiences, rites of passages, and challenges that often come with growing up as an LGBTQIA+ person, join us to listen to the illuminating, personal, and lively stories of our guests.


In our final interview of the series, Emmanuel speaks to Alexandra Perry, Head of Communications and Engagement, about her love of football, her first brave experiences and explorations of LGBTQIA+ London, alongside her passion and enthusiasm for alternative parenting options. The forward-thinking evolution of Alex’s identity and interests come across strongly in this interview, with some aspects of childhood gender and implicit societal pressures touched upon candidly, too.