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Cimarron Storytelling

Karen Smith

Cimarron Storytelling

Episode 8: The Power of Personal Insight

Guest: Karen Smith


The adventure of life is to learn. 

The purpose of life is to grow. 
The nature of life is to change. 
The challenge of life is to overcome. 
The essence of life is to care. 
The opportunity of life is to serve. 
The secret of life is to dare. 
The spice of life is to befriend. 
The beauty of life is to give.


William Arthur Ward


Once you have clarity, about your story,
and you reconnect with your history,
it is then that you will stand in your own power.
Today, many of us cannot hear, speak or
participate in accessing our
precious stories. It is via the
unravelling of the gems that lie
undiscovered, that we find the beauty
that lies within us, and within our history.


Discover the world of narratives and stories of heritage with Eli Anderson, Storytelling tutor at Morley College London.


Throughout our lives we intuitively hear stories that inspire us. These stories enable us to “stand outside” of ourselves; gain a perspective that enables us to think. These stories, “Do No Harm”; in essence, they cause us to imagine ourselves free from the challenges, and situations we all face. Indeed, the power of stories, is that it for one brief moment, they empower us, excite us, inspire us to act in ways that positively transform our lives and the those of others.


Check out the Storytelling courses at Morley College London